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5 Must-Have Pet Products for a New Dog

Whether one is on the hunt for the best dog to adopt or waiting to bring a precious pet home, either way, it is time to shop so that the new pet has everything it required from day one. It can be overwhelming if one is a first-time pet parent. But by getting all the required dog supplies, the owner can concentrate on acclimating the pet to its new environment. This article enlists essential pet products one needs for a new dog.

  • Food for dog

If possible, it is suggested to find which brand of food the new pet has been eating before being adopted or purchased the same kind. If one is unable to find out what food the dog has been eating, buy the quality-food fitting the life stage of the pet. For instance, if one has bought a puppy then it is essential to get puppy food.

  • Water and food bowls:

Pet water and food bowls can be as simple as to or more ceramic or stainless steel bowls. But if an individual is looking for something more elaborated than these, it is advisable to visit the pet stores that carry everything from elevated bowls to filtered water bowls. And also, one can personalize the water and food bowls by mentioning the name of their pet on them.

  • Leash and collar

Leash and collar are the other dog supplies that come in different varieties and also can be personalized. One can find retractable leashes, LED light collars, leashes with padded handles, and many more. Get the one that works for the pet. The owner can have multiple leashes serving different purposes and it is always a smart idea to have an extra leash. When it comes to collars, the choices here are also endless. Again, get the one that suits the pet.

  • Pet first aid kit:

The dog owner can easily find a ready-made first aid kit in the market or can also create the one himself. Either way, a good first kit at least must have the below-mentioned items:

  1. Bandages
  2. Sterile gauze pads
  3. Cotton balls
  4. Adhesive tap
  5. Hydrogen peroxide
  6. Antiseptic wipes
  7. Antibiotic ointment
  8. Tweezers
  9. Optionally a muzzle
  10. Digital thermometer
  • Pet Bed:

The pet bed is a safe spot for the dog to relax and sleep. When buying the pet bed, see to it that the same is comfortable, supportive, and enables the dog to stretch out. One is likely to go through several beds during the lifetime of the pet and once a dog becomes older it is advisable to get a bed that provides the necessary cushioning for its joints.


It is always wise to gear up for the big responsibility before bringing a forever companion to the house. Having dog essentials allows hassle-free rearing and caring for a furry family member. Apart from the listed dog supplies, one can also consider having treats and toys, a pet identification tag and microchip, toothbrush, nail trimmer, pet grooming brush, poop disposal, stain and odor remover, and many other products.

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