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Get Your Home Ready to Sell or Rent

There are a few things you can do if you’re planning on getting your home ready to sell or rent. The primary focus should be on cleaning your spaces thoroughly and getting rid of any unpleasant odors. This statement is especially true if you have pets in the home or if you smoke. That means removing odors using various methods and using products such as a dog odor eliminator. Consider the following tips to help get the home ready and make it more appealing and smelling fresh for prospective buyers or renters.

The Most Noticeable Areas Need Attention

One of the first things most prospective buyers or tenants see when they enter a space is the walls, windows, and carpet. Be sure to spend extra time cleaning and prepping these spaces to make an excellent first impression. Keep in mind that looks count not only looks matter, but smells can also impact their decision. The first step would be to clean and paint the surfaces such as walls and ceilings. Once this is complete, focus on the windows and then finally the floors. If there are lingering pet odors, use a non-toxic dog odor eliminator to get rid of stubborn smells and stains on the carpet, tile, and even baseboards. Be sure to pay attention to the ingredients and use a proven product to be effective and safe to use on most surfaces.

Air Out the Space and Add Some Finishing Touches

On a nice, sunny, and preferably dry day, open all doors and windows and clean all of the other areas thoroughly. This process can include cabinets, appliances, and even bathrooms. These areas tend to hold odors and can make the space smell stale. If there are curtains, they can also hold onto pet odors and smoke, which is why you should use a good dog odor eliminator on these surfaces to ensure you get rid of those smells completely. Before showing the home, be sure to spray an odor neutralizer and light a candle or add some fragrant flowers to add interest and leave a light scent. One way to be sure your home smells fresh and looks appealing is to invite a friend or a family member to see for themselves and give you an option before you show potential renters or buyers. This effort will help ensure you’re ready to begin the process and have virtually eliminated unpleasant odors, and made the space inviting.

Taking a few hours to clean and remove odors will prove beneficial and will likely ensure that you find a suitable buyer or tenant who can appreciate the space and look forward to calling it home.

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