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5 important tips for choosing the best dog daycare

Are you in need of dog daycare services? Well, you most likely have several questions. Your furry friend is like family, so it is only natural to search for the best facility. But how do you choose the best dog daycare? This depends on many factors, including your dog’s personality. Next, our experts share their top 5 important tips for choosing the best dog daycare today. Let’s see what you need to focus on!

#1 Request a tour of the dog daycare facility

The first thing you need to do before deciding on a dog daycare service is schedule a tour. It is important to check how comfortable your pup will be. Make sure you ask all the questions you need! Discussing with the staff and visiting the playing and sleeping areas can tell you a lot about the quality of the dog daycare services.

#2 Discuss with your vet

Most dog daycare facilities will ask you to show proof your furry friend is up-to-date on his vaccinations. These include shots for rabies, distemper, parvo, and Bordetella. So, going for a vet check-up before choosing a dog daycare service will help you. Bringing the vaccination record when visiting the facility will ensure everything will go on smoothly.

#3 Do thorough research

We encourage you to avoid settling for the first facility you visit. Do your research and visit several dog daycares places. This will help you compare the quality of the services and the level of care offered. Remember that a stay at a dog daycare facility should be like a vacation for your dog.

#4 Check recommendations

Another important tip for choosing the best dog daycare is to read the recommendations. Clients can share their experiences online, and their testimonials can help you decide which the best solution is for you. Make sure you check both positive and negative reviews to make an informed decision.

#5 Don’t ignore the importance of the space inside and outside

Taking your pup to a dog daycare means he will spend some time both inside and outside. Hence, it would be best if you looked for a place with wide play areas and accommodations. Our pro tip is to choose a dog daycare that offers access to a webcam to see how your dog behaves when you’re not there.

The bottom line

These are our 5 important tips for choosing the best dog daycare. Of course, there are several other factors that might influence your decision, including doggy daycare costs. But no matter what you consider, you should always opt for professional dog daycare services. This will offer a lot of peace of mind, and your pup will be well cared of.

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